• 1 октября 2016, суббота
  • Ереван, Armenia, Yerevan, st. A. Akopian 3 Exhibition Complex, Yerevan EXPO


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2856 дней назад
1 октября 2016 c 12:00 до 17:00
Armenia, Yerevan, st. A. Akopian 3 Exhibition Complex, Yerevan EXPO

Russian corporations (organizers and industrial partners of the largest startup accelerator in Eastern Europe — GenerationS) will visit Yerevan to meet founders launching startup ventures at October, 1st during #DigitecExpo. GenerationS was found by RVC (Russian venture company) in 2013 and now it is the first international platform to create and to develop corporate accelerators launching with large corporations.

RVC — is a government fund of funds and a development institute of the Russian Federation, one of Russia’s key tools in building of its own national innovation system.

To get cooler startup ventures they are organizing a Roadshow across Russia, Belarus, Armenia and Kazahstan.

During the presentation, the following questions will be discussed:

а) Who is eligible for GenerationS accelerators?

b) Which startups and technologies are wanted by Russian corporations?

c) How does corporations work with startups and innovation ventures

d) Which advantages are prepared for GenerationS participants?

During the presentation, you are able to:

  1. Get a feedback on your startup by RVC and Morton group  experts 
  2. Learn more about participation GenerationS advantages
  3. Learn more about Morton technology challenges and requests 
  4. Learn more about how corporation work with startups and why

If you want to present your startup in front of the RVC you have a chance to get a time slot within pitch session by registering via the link down below. You just need to press "I want to present my venture" button. The amount of places is limited.

Here is the schedule:

  • Welcome speech of the organizers
  • GenerationS presentation
  • Gulnara Bikkulova, Deputy CEO, Russian venture company, head of GenerationS — the lartgest startup accelerator in Eastern Europe
  • Ivan Dementiev, dean, Moscow Polytechnic University. Ivan gives an inspiring lecture on how large corporations across the world work with startups and why 
  • Morton and Russian technical society presentation about their investment strategy.
  • Lecture about how to sell your technology or product to large corporation.
  • Q&A session
  • Pitch session


October, 1st, Yerevan

Armenia, Yerevan, st. A. Akopian 3 Exhibition Complex “Yerevan EXPO

REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY VIA LINK: https://generation-startup.timepad....

Registration starts at 12:00

Event starts at 13:00


admin@generation-startup.ru (for questions related to GenerationS application process) info@generation-startup.ru (organizational issues)

press@generation-startup.ru (for mass media)



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